PC Build for $700

I know theres a post already about this but i looked up all the parts and no matter what i do its above $800. im looking for a gaming PC for $700, i already have mouse/desktop ect...

P.S. Im in the U.S. if that means anything.

Here is my suggestion, feel free to question or sshift arounf any parts if you want. Good luck with your Build!





You can swap the case, but the 200R can be modded really easily, the gpu costs less than a 7870 but feel free to swtich, add a cooler if you like. That PSU is seasonic made, idk if it's modular but it is single rail.

Also sloz is missing a PSU

no OS...

He never said he needed an os he can also go linux or pirate windows or just use the usb method.


for gaming its a monster.

As far as I am concerned, an OS is a part of a new build just as much as a cpu, and even if he uses a usb there is still the matter of a key. You could pirate but if you are building a system you might as well make it ligit.

Thats your take on it.

Not everyones and if he doesnt say he needs it it doesnt have to be included.