PC Build for 1000$?

What is the best gaming pc build for 800$ to 900$. It will be used for playing games on high/ultra in 1920/1080 (crysis 3, planetside2, etc....). Id like it to be color coated please. I dont a blue gpu and a red case. Thank you for any and all reponses.  

... check out some of logan's build vids

there isnt one thats super recent, but thanks for the idea everything helps.

seems a avery tight budget for what you want to build, as most case in the price range you looking at only come in black, I think nzxt do a nice range cases in various coulores

well it dosnt have to be perfect. I may be able to spend 1000$ but id assume that wouldnt make a huge diffence.


I made this my self i have not built it yet but it should play crysis 2 decently if you dont like the gtx 660ti I put in this system you might want to check out the radeon 7950 it comes with crysis 3 and bioshock infinite

Thanks Francis, this actually works great. 


Just something I through together for around $900. I didn't include an OS or optical drive so if those are needs let us know. I kept it mostly black like the mobo, ram and pcb of the gpu is black. You'll probably want a windowed case though, which is something I didn't pick out. I picked a seasonic psu, just like the quality of the brand. Hope it helps.


Edit: The CM 212 is just incase you want to do a little OCing, feel free to drop it or pick another because there are better for a little more in price.