Finally going to make the jump from PS3 to PC my buddy convinced me lol. I have about 2500 to drop on a system monitor included in the price for now unless I use my 47inch in my room in which case the entire 2500 can go towards the machine. Looking to get the best build for the price with decent render times for my musics videos and short films I shoot. Thanks in advanced for the build sheets
You need to be more specific. Are you gaming, or are you just rendering? You said you are making the jump from PS3 to PC, so I assume you're gaming, but it is possible to render on a PS3 so I'm not quite sure. How much storage do you need, do you want and SSD, do you care about noise or your case,do you need mouse/keyboard, headphones, or any other extras besides a monitor? TL;DR: Be more specific.
I'm pretty tech savvy but not real literate on the latest and greatest for hardware. However I was thinking 2TB hdd maybe 2 SSDs Raid 0 for cache rendering?(not sure if thats the correct way) with Premiere Pro and AE I think the fastest ram out is 2133mhz dont qoute me. I was thinking atleast 16GB for ram maybe 32GB if the MB supports it not sure if CS6 can utilize it or not. And with the motherboard I have to research z77 vs x79 I think one is for AMD and one is Intel but I honestly dont know the difference lol. Graphics card I need nvidia for the Cuda support that seems the be the latest and greatest with CS6. Then anything gaming is an added bonus Im not a PC gamer so I guess whatever fps between 80 n 90 if thats achievable. Then the fastest cpu I can get to accomodate the above. This is my first time attempting to build a pc from scratch but I work on mainframes so I'm not ocmpletely clueless.
P.S It will be an edit machine before a gaming machine if that helps.
I would start with
psu I've seen it for 109
Sound card
x2 ssd
raid contrailer (you can use on board raid for 2 drives but you'll be only using 60-70% the total speed this card will let you have up to 5 ssd's
case its up to you what one you go with.
ram x4 the ram is cool
this came out to $2650
If your going to add on to your system as you go this is a good start. You can water cool in the case and the gpu is reference
alternative i went with an amd gpu because CS6 should be getting opencl and this thing will destroy cuda when and if the update comes. but it might not come till cs7 so i would go with a 660ti or a 670
cpu/mb alternitve
then buy 2 gpus
ram op#2
Sweet thanks for the layout I'll use this as a template and adjust accordingly!