Hi everyone, So I recently got my dads old sony RXD5 hifi from him because he wasn’t using it, so I am now using it as an amp to drive its speakers for a free home audio setup. However I am a little worried about the large speakers being near my pc and harddrive with the magnets in the speakers. Does anyone know how far I should put the speakers from my tower? thanks for the help
The fear of magnets an electronics is blown out of proportion. You are fine, promise.
Hard drives are usually fairly resistant. I wouldn't put on on the back magnet of a speaker, but being in the same area isn't really any issue. I'd keep them a little bit away just so their vibration doesn't cause an issue - but if it's for home audio, then I suspect the speakers are already miles away anywho.
A magnet would have to be fairly strong to begin with, and pretty much directly in contact with a hard drive to cause trouble. A magnetic field follows the 'inverse square law' which essentially means that if you double a given distance away, the field will be at 1/4 of the intensity. So if it were right on the hard drive, and you doubled the distance away from the plates (a few millimetres), it would already be at 1/4 the intensity. You can feel this by magnets being stuck to a fridge, but more than a finger width away and they barely have any pull.
You actually want to keep the speaker wires away from other cables from the computer so you don't pick up any noise from the cables.
You've got nothing to worry about. I keep one of my two speakers with 8 inch woofers next to my tower and have had zero issues nor any worries about anything going wrong.
Thankyou for the help everybody