Payday 2 & Linux

So I've had Payday 2 for a long time but didn't play it much because I use Linux now.
BUT it has finally launched a Linux Port.
This is exciting.
or it just me? lol


Oh that'll be good news for many.

Do you know if the port is in house or 3rd party? If its feral it'll be well done.

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It's also available for free for the week and at a deep discount so you can check out how good the port is before you buy, I guess.

Does it still have all that microtransaction nonsense, though?

I've no idea about the microtransaction. However, if your a linux user on steam. Play your new games on Linux for the first two weeks, this ensures its counted as a "linux" game and the money goes to the linux developers/porters.

ye but for me at least its very much a game just to piss around in
besides its pve so do weapon stats really matter?

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I downloaded it straight from steam.
Was playing earlier today and no issues.

I have no idea, that's kindof what I want to figure out. Is it a pay2win type deal or is it all just cosmetics?

I don't think it's pay2win.
There are a lot of DLCs out there for the game.
I haven't actually played to know if it is or not.

just cosmetic mainly, you can buy ammo upgrades and stuff but theres nothing you can't work up to, people need to get over it.
Doesn't detract from what is otherwise still a great game