Hello Tek!
I was wondering if the Tek would be making it to the first ever PAX south this coming January in San Antonion, Texas? As an avid community member and fan of the Tek, it would be awesome to see Logan, Qain, Pistol and others at this awesome new PAX. It may not be known to everyone, but Texas does have a fairly vibrant technology and gaming undercurrent that is finally being represented at places like Quakecon and PAX South. I would imagine that myself and others would love to see the Tek at PAX South and have the chance to meet them in person. I remember that there was mention of more community activities in a Tek video after the Car/PC giveaway, and I was hoping that PAX South would be enticing enough for Logan and crew to make the trip down here.
I know tons of great beer joints with great craft beer all over the area, and think it would make for an awesome video for the Tek to come to Texas again, but this time make it an awesome adventure. I am glad that the community is still growing and I hope that it continues to do so. If I have missed any content about the possibility of this and it is already in another discussion forum please guide me to it!
I hope to see ya'll in San Antonio!!