What patreons/gofundmes do you, or would you like to support? Why?
I'll start!
(The titles are hyperlinked)
Because he's a really funny musician
Don't be put off by the ukuleles, he uses them... properly? Or would it be inproperly? Idk
...because you can't stop the...
Although sparsely uploaded, this guy's videos tend to be pretty interesting. His videos on helicopters are particularly awesome!
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Cool selection bro!
I will add angry Centaur Gaming...Very good game reviews...
September 10, 2016, 8:52am
going to check angry centaur gaming seems very interesting in his reviews
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I have been looking at his reviews since he just had 20K subs...He really deserves the growth. And his video output is impressive as well..
September 10, 2016, 8:55am
i've yet to see a video of his but if he trully does game reviews honestly then i will probably enjoy what he has to say
I support The Unusual Suspect. Brilliant film reviews as well as the odd game review.
The Hypothetical TeamPGP Patreon! Because you can't stop the Peeps!
Those M&Ms... yeahhhh, mmmm.... m&ms...
September 10, 2016, 2:09pm
I don't support anyone on Patreon because Patreon doesn't accept UnionPay cards...
OTHERWISE I would support:China Uncensored
Fevir (mostly because he's kind of become a friend and has helped me grow my own youtube channel)
(Was gonna the share where he did the kool-guy thing and gave my channel a shout out, but looks like he took that one down...I guess since he got 50k subs I'm too small time for him anymore....I'd still drop him a tenner on Patreon because he's a cool guy.)
I'll add an exception for gofundmes in the OP ;)
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September 10, 2016, 6:43pm
David Revoy is an artist who does a web comic http://www.peppercarrot.com/ . He uses open source software (Krita) and releases it all under open licenses.
Should have a look if you like that kind of stuff https://www.patreon.com/davidrevoy
Shockingly low for what it ishttps://www.patreon.com/esr Also fuck Obamacare
I would link to more of the videos but they're not out yet lol