Patreon falling apart

All Patreon had (has) to do is pass the money from supporters to creators and keep quiet. If they won’t do that, then they deserve the consequences. Trying to hide behind the people they didn’t deplatform doesn’t cut it. ಠ_ಠ



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Irony is the spice of life.

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Subscribestar when?


Yep. I’ve started the process for a number of creators I supported who were unpersoned. I’ll update as the process drags on.


Just subscribed on Floatplane :partying_face:
Thankfully never subscribed to anything on Patreon because their thought policing reared its head early.


Last I heard of Floatplane it did sound like a good option. Linus basically said they’re starting out slow but the goal is to let pretty much anyone post content as long as they aren’t posting anything illegal. And since it’s up to individuals to donate, they don’t have to worry about corporate interests suppressing their freedom to let creators create. Sounds perfect.

That was several months ago though, so I’m not sure if their views have changed since then. And it looks like there aren’t that many channels to choose from, and since you have to pay for each channel I don’t see it ever becoming the platform that everyone goes to. But ya never know.


There’s always OnlyFans


If a company violates their own policy, they should be held accountable? Their poor behavior should have served as a warning to other content creators to diversify their income with services such as SubscribeStar.


Ya, it’s like if a company clearly states you can’t do X, Y, or Z from the beginning, there’s no problem when they kick people off for doing X, Y, or Z.

But Patreon didn’t do that. They had no policy against X, Y, or Z. And then when people started doing X, Y, or Z, they started banning anyways.

The fact that they didn’t have that policy in place to begin with tells me that either they did a big bait and switch (waited until they had a large donor base before cracking down on people, because they know they can get enough people to stay who will feel bad about taking money away from creators), or they caved to the twitter mob. I think the latter is more likely, but it doesn’t really matter at this point. Either way, they lost my money.


Ive not heard anything. But Im never spending $19/m on sunk plane. I guess shit can happen and we all lose :stuck_out_tongue: I use to that

Their site seems to be FUBAR as well. I am pretty sure I’m still donating to 2.5 Admins and something else, but I can’t log in. No password reset link is being sent (I waited over a day). When I try to register it tells me my email is in use :thonk:


Best kill me now post ever :slight_smile:

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Seems like ordering merch is the best option at this point. Pay the creators directly. You get something tangible out of it, and you help advertise as well, depending on what you buy.


cough cough


I stopped using Patreon back when they booted Sargon of Akhad out of principle. A transaction service has no business meddling in the politics their users subscribe to. I bet Patreon has a year or two left before it completely falls out of popularity or dies altogether.




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Wow; incompetence or shenanigans?

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Hard to tell, I sent them a sternly worded support request and asked for an explanation. Yet to have a response :upside_down_face: :clown_face:

I could see if I were a ghost account but I was giving like $100 a month to various orgs. Not a lot but not insignificant imo.

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Dang, then. I just checked and I can log in.

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