
...get into bios nao! Â Start overclocking and let that 860 burn!

4 niggaherz are mine

I cant seem to hit higher than that

I can has -25nm and +.2GHZ. You not overclocking when you have watercooling is making me MHZ

I bsod at 4.2 I need to raise Volts

Raise volts. :]

Was expecting this

Pathogen is a pretty cool guy. he kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything


I hate C0 stepping... Enjoy your D1, raise volts.

dont "raise" the volts "RAZE" THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pools closed due to aids

I remember when 4ghz meant something... ah my 4.1ghz E7200 days...

That's actually really badass. I can't get my Athlon x2 over 2.7. Piece of shit.

Linx to the video plzplzplz

Apparently, all of Skump's vids are all gone, wtf`ing world is up with that?

I smell bullshit

It's true, I remember he showing me the vid :]
Didnt work for long tho.

I seen the video too.

fuck. my videos are all gone. >:I Â I didnt bahleet there a support email for yt or something?

No idea, that's disappointing, you had wonderful vidyas.