Pasta Recipes

I would like some more Pasta recipes from the users here, easy or difficult to make post all of them, and to start things off I will post my own from this evening.

Pasta, Bacon and Cheese sauce

Takes about 20 minutes, makes 3/4 but you can add more to make more up if you have more people.

Bacon (I used 4 rashers worth),
Cheese (I used cheddar but can try what ever),
Garlic (3 small cloves or 2 regular size ones),
Mushroom (5 smallish button ones),
Onion (Half one chopped),
Flour (Plain),
Milk (Half liter ish),
Herbs and Spices.

Step 1:
Prepare all the ingredients. Chop the Onion, Garlic, Bacon, Mushrooms and Cheese. More or less have everything to hand and ready to use.

Step 2:
Get the Pasta pot boiling and the pan for the Bacon heating. I like to keep the bacon pan and later the sauce pot on a lower temperature and cook a little more slowly, helps me keep track and not miss things and mess up.

You can leave the sauce pot off for a little bit.

Step 3:
Start cooking. Pasta and bacon go on, pasta will take a while and bacon needs to cook the water out before adding more stuff.

Step 4:

Now that things are starting to cook you can start the sauce pot heating. Add a sizable chunk of butter to the pot and start it melting, this along with flour and milk will make the base for the sauce.

Step 5:

Now that the butter in the sauce pot is starting to melt, heat up the milk (about a half liter).

Step 6:

The water in the bacon should have cooked off and it is starting to fry, add the chopped onion now and let it cook out for a while.

Step 7:

Butter in the sauce pot is melted, make sure it does not start to burn. The milk is hot. Add the flour in small amounts to the melted butter stirring until you have a semi thick paste of butter and flour. Let it cook a but but not too much or it will taste like bread, too little and it will taste like flour and be grainy. You don't need loads of this, but the more you have now the more sauce you will be able to make over all later.

Step 8:

Add the hot milk to the paste in the sauce pot bit by bit not all at once. Stir it constantly as you add to keep it a consistent sauce. Add as much milk as you like until the sauce is a litter thinner than you would like it to be, the cheese will thicken it up again when you add that.

Step 9:

The bacon and onion should be coming along nicely now, not fully cooked yet but getting there. Now add the chopped garlic and mushrooms to the bacon and onion and cook all of them together.

Step 10:

About now my pasta was done, you may be done all ready or not, the pasta can be put aside at any time if it is done.

And I cooled it off with some cold water as i would not need it for a few minutes, this also washed off all the extra starch.

Step 11:

Add you cheese to your sauce. It will melt with some stirring and time, this will also thicken up the sauce again. If the sauce becomes too thick just add a little more milk until it is back to the consistency you like.

Step 12:

Assemble your herbs and spices. I usually only use nutmeg and salt but I decided to add some more this time to see what it would be like. I ended up not using the mixed herbs as with everything else in there it was good with them. Taste the sauce as you add things so it is right and nothing is overly powerful.

Step 13:

The pan with the bacon, onion, garlic and mushroom should be ready now. Add it to the sauce pot and stir it in.

Now add you pasta. If you cooled it off, heat it back up by pouring boiling water over it.

Step 14:


You can add or remove most of the ingredients as you want. The basic one is just the sauce with bacon and garlic seasoned with nutmeg and salt served over pasta, I have been adding things in and this is where it is at right now. It was delicious.

Any questions ask away.

Now lets see yours!


Add egg

This always works for me if you want something nice.

Pasta (any type), tomatoes (smushed up), ground pepper, chopped pepper (or any suitable veg you like), some herbs (bazil always works).

Meat of your choice, or more vegetables. cook all until cooked, and mix together. Done.

I tend to just throw things in until it looks nice.