Parsing XML in HTML

Intro/Backstory: At my career center, we have a "simulated workplace" where each lab is its' own business. My lab has a work order setup so that clients fill out a Google Form (all these are Googles services), that gets dumped into a Sheet, and is then parsed and sorted into a Doc. This works seamlessly except someone has to check it every so often to see if any new work orders have come in.

Question: I thought it'd be a good idea to have a script in an HTML page that checks the Sheet for any new additions and displays a message saying "X new work orders". Could someone provide me with either where I should first look or some sample scripts? If it is scripts, then it doesn't have to be pretty. I'll add some CSS and other cosmetics after the base code is working.

Thanks in advance.

You would use PHP for that.

Okay thanks. I've always wanted to learn PHP, but have been too busy to and there wasn't a need to take time to so this should be a great opportunity!

Yeah this is the perfect situation for that. Look into the using the $_POST to evaluate the form as it is submitted to make any necessary changes before it is handled through your sorting system. Become familiar with super-global variables, and you may need to throw a dash of javascript in there.