Parents block me from the internet zzz

Hi, my parents want me to stop sitting up all night on the internet, so they had some system automatically block me out at 11 pm. Now since im a noob at this, i dont really know alot about the problem, although i think that i am connected to the router, but not to the internet. Im not giving you alot to work with, but do you have any idea of how to deal with it? And i would prefer not to download any software. Also its only my computer thats blocked my PS3 and phone are not blocked.

And ehm, sorry for being noob. Understand if you cant help, since you have dont have alot of info, imagine the only way you could use the internet in the night was on your ps3, so sad. zzz



Its possible your router has a schedule for blocking certain MAC addresses from accessing the internet. Thats the only thing that comes to mind, then again, im not the most knowledgable, maybe someone else can help you out.

Checking through router settings might show something...

But your parents may have a point, and staying up too late isnt the best of ideas, but im none to judge.

I'd listen to your folks. Sleep, however annoying, is important.

However if you really must. The easiest way to do it without software is from the router. You should be able to  return it to default settings.

Your parents have most likely used software to block it so the next thing you could do is use their computer to alter the software. That's if you know your parents passwords. If not you need to enter the computer in safe mode as admin to bypass password lockout and change it from there. Look under the list of programs. Its probably one thats been modified recently so change the filters.

All the best

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But doesnt that defeat the purpose of getting around it? I think he's trying to do it without getting caught. Resetting a router is dead obvious, but manually chaning the MAC address of the network adapter on the other hand is much more effective. Plus when they block the new one, just change it again.


So, how do i change my mac adress? and thanks alot guys for the quick response

by booting into a linux distro under a diff user name use macchanger maybe try with static ip's

there is a macchanger for windows but id use a debian distro or backtrack or somethin maybe try exploit the router

in my router in the parental control theres a few options

basicly you block by user name and mac address, but you can also block ip's

if you could access the router its always good but i dont recomend reseting it unless you know the password to your internet account       user:admin             or administrator           password=password or passwd or admin or administrator

but they probably changed the passwd

Use this to change your mac-address you should be able to go on the internet at any time once you have done that. Unless your parents use a mac-address whitelist and only allow certain devices on the network in which case you will not be able to connect at all, but unless your mon/dad is something like a network administrator it seems unlikely that they would use that.

If however one of them does work in IT you should reconsider your actions because they can shut you down even more.

Thanks alot everyone, i downloaded and installed the mac adress changer, and it works. Thank you so much.

hmmmm my router does the same thing to limit my badwidth thanks alot for the info guys. 

haha I remember when my parents would randomly walk in my room at night, and I would only have 1 headphone on so I could hear them coming and dive into bed. Good t hear you got around it, but take it from someone who used to stay up late, sleep is important. Anyway, dont get caught again! OItherwise then the shit will hit the fan.

My parents are a bit more... Old fashioned and simply take away my mouse, note that my room is right above my parents and whenever I talk to loud or walk around they here me.

When its after 1 shit really hits the fan

This happened to me several years back.  Secret... Ethernet cables are really nice... If it is Mac filtering or the router just plain shuts down it will still work...

Do the same, they have to have a name for the routine