Packaged OBS (+ Browser Source) for Fedora, now on GitHub

@mihawk90 Thanks for all of the work. I’ve just installed the latest build (I haven’t tried the earlier ones yet) and I don’t see the ability to use Custom Browser Docks (View → Docks → Custom Browser Docks). Should this menu be there?

Welcome to the forum and thanks for using the build :slight_smile:

Do you happen to be on a Wayland session? I am going to assume that is the case.

Unfortunately Custom Browser docks are still disabled on Wayland due to outstanding issues on the Qt side:

If you want to track progress on this issue:

And as this also seems tied to an updated CEF version:

There’s a couple more, but I think those are the main ones.

So, if you want to use Custom Browser docks, you’ll have to go with an X-session for now.

That said, Wayland has a couple more outstanding issues outside Browser Docks, a main one for many being Global Hotkeys not being supported, which is by design in Wayland and from my understanding has to be implemented by the Desktop Environments, similar to how they had to implement Window and Desktop capture via Pipewire.

Yep, that’s probably it. Thanks for the info!

You can check in a terminal using echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE if you haven’t already.
You should be able to switch session-type from the Login screen (SDDM).