
I'm quite new to pc gaming this pc I am typing on is the is the first Pc I built about 3 weeks ago and I want to know somestuff about overclocking here is a full list of my specs:  http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/Matthew12106/saved/2GHS

So as you can see I'm running on the

MSI HD7950 TwinFrozr OC Boost Edition AMD Graphics Card - 3GB


No idea why it came out that massive anyway I know it alreadys comes overclocked hence the OC the 960 MHZ as you can see in the picture but how far can I push this here i'm using MSI Afterburner and here is a pic of it and the deafualt specs

Here is the link incase that is to small for you http://i.imgur.com/WOKwflo.jpg

So do I just move the slider up? On the website Scan If you go on the specs link you can see that is says 

The core clock is 880MHZ but right now its at 960 is it already maxed out ? Anyway Thanks

Most 7950's can get a core clock between 1000-1050 mhz without a core voltage increase which is a pretty nice OC and it won't affect your GPU's lifespan since no voltage increase is needed. Overclocking a GPU is pretty easy these days but you should still read an overclocking tutorial to understand how an overclocking process should be done. If you don't do that, you will probably mess up the card.

To give you an example of overclocking settings I used to overclock my 7950

core voltage 1250 mV: 1200 core clock, 1700 memory (way too much voltage for everyday usage)

core voltage 1150 mv: 1080 core, 1575 memory (this is what I current use)

core voltage unchanged (1094 is stock for my card): 1020 core, 1400 memory

These settings are just an example, they may not work for you so I suggest you read the following tutorial.


Check this guide out.


PS Don't mess with the voltages if you don't know what you're doing, and don't ever risk anything, remember this card can max out any game at 1080p using stock speeds so unless you play modded skyrim or crysis3, stay out of the voltage tweaking.