Overclocking worth it?

i have a i5 3470 and a 660 oc. would it be worth it to overclock my cpu? would it increase my fps aswell?

Well 3470's are Locked CPU's and they dont react well to the BCLK changing so you cant Overlcock it, and no it wont make a Difference in any ingame FPS because the GPU will definitley be the bottleneck in your system.

Is overclocking worth it in general?

for content creation (things like cinema4d or anything multithreaded) I would say its definately worth overclocking (as long as its stable).


content creation: definately worth it

gaming: a few fps

I think my brother has the same cpu (I think he has a 670 gpu) and he has been happy just running them at stock, he just uses it for games though.

i just game with it but about an hour ago i overclocked it to 3.8ghz. so it is possible but will it shorten the life of it?

honestly i dont find the beinfits in overclocking

my cpu is running at like 3.0gHz as a stock clock and im using a 560 (non ti). although this system is pathetic compared to most, im still able to run some of the most demanding games on faily high settings. 

Personally I would much rather leave the cpu at a slower clock speed and let it last longer seeing as overclocking can affect the longevity of the component