Overclocking without LLC

Hello I have a problem with over locking my amd fx 6300 where I'm having vdroop issues but my mobo doesn't have LCC BUT HAS just about everything else it is a MSI MOTHERBOARD gd65 990fx to be exact and I am wondering if there is a way around this issue thank you for your time.

You don't need LLC, its just nice to have for stability reasons when not doing insane overclocks like ln2.
Pretty sure most motherboards have LLC though, you should look into it more.

It doesn't man even the reviews say it doesn't.

That's odd, but it only means you have to set the vcore slightly higher than normal to account for the drop.
Only means you idle slightly higher.

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There are two ways to combat vdroop without LLC.

The first is another mobo feature that is not always necessarily present, and that is a voltage offset. Some motherboards allow you to run at a set voltage, then +50/100/150 mV.

The last way, which is the way anyone can do, is to simply add more voltage to compensate.