Overclocking my i5-3570k

so i want to opverclock my i5 and run this heat sink:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118019

so now i was wondering how much do you thik i should overclock and what should i overclock? (im new to overclocking.) 


Id get something like  CoolerMaster TPC 812 or a Xigmatek Dark Knight II for that price, and you should be able to get to at least 4.4Ghz 


For that money i'll get this one, i have it and it will let you push that even at 4.7 GHz.

But if u prefer you can overclock it about 4.2ghz without any vcore change, or maybe to 4.5 with a little bit of vcore increase.


This are mi specs (i'm worlk in progress..):

Base Clock: 100 mhz

Multiplier: x47

VCore: 1.3600v


      Full: 89c

      Idle: 45c


I hope this help you!