Overclocking Failure Help

Hello commuity, my friend ruined his PC, cause he doesnt know how to use one.

MSI Z77 MPower, Intel core i5 3570K, OC GENIE. He maxed out everything and put 6.3 GHz, that is a little bit too much. And now his PC won't start. He tried to clean the CMOS sensor, but that didn't help.

I apologize that my firend makes problems.
sorry, i can't do anything.

Please tell me what you think could fix the problem. 

Uh oh. He didn't touch the voltage did he?

Switch to the second bios. and look if you able to boot.

you can clear the cmos using the clear cmos button on the board. you can find that in the manual, how this works proparly

I may be wrong on this one,but shouldn't the motherboard have some voltage limit,like 1.55v ? I doubt that the cpu just died due to a high multiplier


6.3 GHz???? are you shure he just dident fry the cpu or burn the mosfets off the board?

I'm 100% positive he just fried his CPU if that OC genie handled the voltage as well. lol.