Our home movies and pictures for future generations


What would be the best solution for storing family media for future generations and how it will evolve in future. A lot of people, including me, make a lot of movies and pictures about our lives - family, friends and what we think is worth to remember. How would be the best way to store them safely. Currently i am holding all of my pictures and videos in two seperate drives and i am also considering google drive... but renting space for my entire life will cost a lot. Maybe there is a better way coming in near future? What do you think? How the next generations will handle all that data?

* Imageing how my grandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandchildren are storing millions of photos of their ancestors in their infinity drives :)

...Oh and hello from Estonia!

I think HDD will be fine for now. But you can look into the Archival Disc if you want. (isn't out yet)

for pictures i dont think anything can really beat out just printing physical photos. for videos.. i duno

Thank you for replies. Disc is a bit small... I have currently around 60GB of data to be stored.