Otg plus 1tb hard drive

are there limits to what can i store and can i power it with my device. i have a 1tb external drive powered by a usb port and an otg cable, will i and how much power should it use per hour.

btw i have a shield.

My 80gb hard drive works with otg if there is an external power source connected to the hard drive.

can you have apps and games on it or just film/photos/test/pdfs etc.

Now my hard drive works with out external power, my phone was almost dead when I tested it before. For installing apps and such you may want to give this tutorial a try.


It greatly depends on the device, I would say that it's probably asking a lot as far as powering a full mechanical drive on your phone's battery, at least for very long. Also, phone batteries are generally less than the 5V standard of USB, so if the hard drive is picky about that, which most will be, it may not work at all.