Original Resident Evil question

Does anyone know what issue of PC Gamer the original Resident Evil was reviewed in?

No idea to your question, but the original wasn't released on PC (to my knowledge), so would it be reviewed in a PC game magazine?

Yeah it was. It was released on almost every platform imaginable.

Yeah it seems you are correct.


"Chris, is that you?"

"Jill, it's me Chris!"

Classic game :D

I really wish I could find what issue they reviewed it in. I do know they did review it so it's just a matter of figuring out which issue it was.

Looks like November, 1997

Also, lol @ Duke Nukem Forever

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WhiskeyRanger you rock! Thanks!

No sweat.

Would be interesting to see what a 'pc gaming powerhouse' was like in 1997 :D

Well, I had one of these at the time (not my picture, just one I found on google):

I think we got it in 95 though, so in 97 it wasn't exactly a powerhouse anymore, though the integrated S3 graphics chip was actually pretty respectable (handled StarCraft perfectly well in 98 before I got my own computer).

In late 97, you could probably get a 300mhz pentium II, a 4mb 3D graphics card, and up to 256mb of ram (I was running 32 at the time) and something like a 16GB HDD (I was running a 1.2GB at the time)... but all that probably would have cost you like 5 or 6 grand lol. What's even more crazy, is that less than 2 years later, I was able to buy a computer with a 600 mhz pentium III, 256mb of ram, a 32GB HDD (which still works), and a 32mb graphics card with a 19" trinitron for around 2 grand.

Back then, it felt like the second you bought something it was obsolete. The percentage performance increases year by year were insane. Of course, today we look at a 300mhz increase and laugh (especially since they were just going for raw power at the time), but back then it was a 100% performance increase in like a year and a half. It felt crazy at the time (of course, I was a kid... so everything was exciting lol).

I imported the USA version, i own it... it's fully uncut with colour opening FMV and gore...
It's awesome.