Origin is going digital only

Is anyone else pissed off about this?

I have really slow internet, it took me about 36 hours to download a 12 GB game. I'm not interested in Titanfall but if I was, and it was download only, I wouldn't get it because 49 GB is insane. It is faster to have physical copies of games delivered to my house than to download them.

I have to agree walrus,


I am new to pc gaming, and one of my first ventures into the modern age of gaming i bought the mass effect trilogy set for pc.


However i feel it was a huge waste of plastic, gasoline, electricity and what ever else must be considered when dealing in business. All because i got home only to put in my code and have to download the game anyways.

Is this the drm people talk about?

I like my old games, for instance i still have a working cd copy of sim city 3k, and at the airforce thrift shop some one traded in the pc version of deus ex goty and deus ex 2. i bought them for 1 dollar. I love the ability to just put in the cd and play the game, with out worrying about internet connection, or logging into a thing in order to play.

but i guess we cant do anything but bend over and take it eh?

sad panda.



both medias have their advantage/disadvantages

at least with digital you never have to worry about losing a cd or breaking one.

in the case of titanfall, yes that game's size is seriously bloated. The devs decided to include all the audio files in uncompressed flac (~35gigs of just audio), supposedly because the consoles have difficulty devoting system resources to uncompressing stuff on the fly.... (faceplam)

and of course they wouldnt bother putting effort into streamlining a pc release 

but yea, sorry to hear your internet speed is slow, it all comes back to a problem with ISPs  

dmr specifically refers to the ownership and means of access to a game

(ie, if you bought a steam code, you can only play that game through steam, and valve owns the distribution rights ) 

having to download the game after entering a code is just the method of distribution you choose (digitally in this case) 

The other method of distribution would just be having to walk to a store and obtaining a physical copy.  

I much prefer to have a physical copy of stuff. I'm one of the people who still buys CDs. Uncompressed FLAC in a video game is just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard. 

I don't really mind this as long as I am still able to get those games back when the service is shut down. Steam is one good example, users are allowed to backup their games and burn them to a disk or an iso. We are in an age where media is rapidly evolving and getting away from optical media. I for one NEVER touch my dvd drive in my computer except to play with the open/close button. Origin in my opinion needs to die though because I have soooooooooooooooooo many issues with that program. DRM wise I don't mind. One good example of me and my issues with Origin is that fact that I use Actual Multiple Monitors on Windows 7 and 7 doesn't really have good multiple monitor support. I have to close out of Actual Multiple Monitors and open Origin than open Actual again and Origin is THE ONLY PROGRAM that I have issues with so fail EA on their part.

Does this mean that special editions of games that come with physical items are no longer going to be a thing from them?

They will definetly keep making them, there is too much money to make with limited editions for EA to stop making them. They will probably just come with an Origin code.

Origin does need to die. EA will never stop using it though because they don't want steam to get any royalties when people buy their games.

same, takes me forever to download games. I bought thief and its a 20gb download. My internet times out before it finishes so I can't play it. Sucks major balls.

Steam gets pennys as royalities which is really dumb that EA went their own DRM. Ubisoft's UPlay is a joke too. Its almost as bad as Origin is but at least you can change your name on Origin


what game publishers really need to do is throw these games on a flash drive and give it a cool shape that's themed with the game. for example, titan fall, it can be in the shape of the hacking knife (albeit a little one)

and with usb3.0 the game should have the option to just load from the USB or install to the machine. it will be like the console cartridge days.


That's what I have thought too.

+1 i love this idea 

if a dev is on here please make this happen 

That would be pretty cool, being able to add a little art and taste to the distribution method, but realistically it wouldn't happen because it would add more cost to the media.



Cds, dvds, and even bluray can be relatively cheap but flash will cost quite a bit more,  nevermind higher quality and faster flash.


Plus DVDs in brick and mortar stores struggle enough to compete with steam already.

Where I live there is basically no where you can buy PC games. The last time I checked at Gamestop about 2 years ago the only PC game they had was Skyrim.