Ordering these parts possibly tonight http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1yfue This is my second post about this but i just gotta be sure.
I believe i know a lot just not everything.
How many fans can my motherboard support and will i need to buy any special cords to install them? Where do i plug them in?
How easy will it be to install the cpu cooler?
I know i probably will have hard time with plugging in the Font panel connectors (Power,reset,led, ect)
Should i buy a HDMI cable and is that all ill need to connect it to my monitor? If so could anyone link me the stuff through newegg or amazon?
Im going to be ordering soon so if anyone has any last info or suggestions, ive already watched Tek Syndicates video on how to build a comouter multiple times but im still not sure but i hope i will have fun with it.