I'm on Win7 (specs in profile) and I've gotten Windows 10 running in VirtualBox. However, it is quite sluggish. The mouse jitters across the screen and the search bar is slow, even the start menu takes a few moments to appear after striking the Windows key.
I was just wondering if this was the nature of Windows in a VM (I've used lightweight Linux distros in VMs and not had this issue) or what? How can I make this faster?
What system is it running on, and how many system resources did you allocate?
Windows by itself swallows a lot of resources, you have to oversize everything to get virtualization to work properly in Windows, or you could move to Linux, either a full regular distro or a hypervizor, for your host, in which case you'll have more resources available and the virtualization software itself will also run faster and better.
It's basically just a matter of resources and how they're used or wasted.
I think it may be an issue with Virtualbox. I tried running both windows and linux in Virtualbox and VMware Workstation, and VMware was more responsive in all cases.