Hello forum!
I am running a small server at home that I put together myself to use as some kind of multi-purpose-file-server or NAS. The main task for it is to be a central hub for back ups of my PC, laptop and phone. But secondary I like the thought of having my "main" file system stored there, so that I can reach all of my files from any computer in the house. I figure that the transfer speed via 1 Gib/s ethernet should be sufficient for read/write intensive tasks like video editing etc since the r/w speed of my 7200rpm HDD will be the bottleneck anyway (WD RED).
Do you have any tips for making a good setup, that will not have worse performance over cable than an internal HDD would have?
Should I run it over dual 1 Gib/s ethernet cables via a switch? Maybe upgrade to a Cat.6 cable, fix some better switch and run 10 Gib/s instead? RAID 0 to enhance disk performance etc? Something completely else that is critical that I forget about?