Optimal settings for FreeBSD 12 running under Proxmox

Hi first post, long time lurker, I have a couple of servers running Proxmox 5.4-4 and I need to run a FreeBSD 12 VM on one of them. The hardware in both nodes is:
32GB DDR4 ECC, Xeon E-2146G, Two NVME SSDs in raid 1.
I’ve been looking for recommendations for setting this up to get as much performance as possible out of this setup. Most of what I’ve found is old and likely to be outdated (Related to FreeBSD 10 on older versions of Proxmox). Anyone on this forum that has any advice?

Proxmox is KVM, right?

Maybe this vid will be useful?

Basically KVM though they’ve added quite a bit of convenience on top.
I’ll have a look at the video on my next train ride to see what can be gained from it.

Give it PCI passthrough devices ideally, otherwise virtio devices. Same as any guest OS? There aren’t any FreeBSD-specific gotchas I’m aware of.

Good to hear, if no contradicting advice or anecdotes pop up here by the time I’m setting it up i’ll just follow the vanilla setup advice.
Thank you for responding.

Tried the setup today using the generic virtio centric setup. The performance one of these machines provide is insane.
First impressions are really good.

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