Optane dimms for home use?

Hey everyone, noob question, but can optane dims that are in ddr4 setups be used instead of or with normal ram? Surfing on ebay and came across some 128gb sticks and was curious. Thanks!

Nope, you specifically need to have a Cascade lake or Ice Lake platform to use the pmem100 and pmem200 optane dimms, supposedly there’s going to be ddr5 pmem300 dimms for sapphire rapids but they may never materialize.


Theoretically some company developed an FPGA adapter that allowed the use of pmem modules on epyc and arm platforms, but good luck find one (if it was ever more than vaporware) and good luck with likely needing to develop your own drivers to get it working. Would also have been as power hungry as having another GPU running 24/7 lmao.

I find it amusing to consider that intel may have had a better time selling optane pmem had they ensured that it had broad cross platform support, rather than restricting it in order to try and fail to attract sales to their own platforms. That said, pmem was always a hard sell for what it cost, and intel wasn’t ever really able to bring production costs down enough to be competitive with straight RAM and SSDs.

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Best bet, is looking at mainboards, which did support it
… It’ll be lower count of skus , compared to say ECC-friendly [aka, easymode filter]

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