Opinions on this prebuilt computer

now i normally do build computers that i want myself however with christmas and thanksgiving coming up and me working for a major department store for some reason i have a little less time to build things then i normally do. but i may still up end up building my computer when i want a new one.


Any ways while scouring the internet today i came across this computer for sale from newegg:


Basic specs include: Geforce 610, 8gb ram 1333, fx-6100 processor, and 500w psu. all for $400

Now this does look like a somewhat good deal to me and check all the parts and it showed i would be losing some money if i built it myself. 

any opinions on this build?



I was thinking of getting this for a person i know who does some light gaming, but mostly web browsing on their computer


i have run a fx-6100 before and for wat i was thinking of doing with it, it would work well in its purpose

Build your own. You can build a PC for $400 that will kick the shit out of that pc

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/mM9z this build should work really good. Should be able to play most games on high settings. With the APU and 6670 in crossfire, it'll beat the shit out of a GT 610

but that would end up costing me 500 hundred cuz it doest include a os (which i do want)


i know i could use linux but i enjoy windows 7

Good point. Do you have a copy of windows 7 laying around?

no, i dont have a copy lying around, the only copy i had /have is currently running on my own system

ru student? discout upgrade is $65 and a little creativity wit the registrys can make it full install

You are going to have to decide on a prebuilt system soon as I see the one you have chosen already comes with Windows 8 not 7. Something else to think about.

i am not a student, i already have a computer myself that i did build myself, this computer is a for a friend. i am going prebuilt cuz i have no time to build one currently. and i picked windows 8 becuase all computers that i have looked at r now coming with it. also i like the fact that it also comes with mouse and keyboard so for 400 the only thing i need to add is a monitor, plus i could always upgrade the gpu easily.