I'm planning on building a new PC, using some old parts from my current build. Here is my PCPartPicker list.
Would this be a decent build for running most games around high\ultra at 1080? My current monitors only run 1400x900, however I plan to upgrade to a 1080p monitor at some point.
8320 is good but usually you can find the 8350 onsale for the same price or a little more. Worth it. Faster and OCs better.
Evo is good.
970. You can't run two cards on that motherboard. I believe the lanes run at X16 and X4 which isn't recommended. You need at least a 990FX board. Plus a 970 board usually can't handle the power draw of the 8 cores. Grab an Asus M5A99FX Pro/Evo.
RAM is good. May be able to find something cheaper. RAM is RAM. Speed doesn't really matter either. Just go for whatever is cheapest.
That SSD is good but you are going to want storage for games. So personally I'd grab a WD 1TB Blue drive as well or ditch the SSD and just get the HDD.
Now for the big one those GPUs.
First off do not buy a 270X. Get a 270. It is much cheaper and can be OC to the same or faster speeds.
Now for CrossFire. Do not do that. Two 270s can be very powerful. However, 270s do not play well together in Crossfire and most games don't scale very well. You won't see double the performance. Only double the noise and heat.
Get one better card. The 280 can be had on sale for the same price as one of those 270Xs. That will be able to max pretty much anything at 1080p. Also look for a 285.
That case is decent but doesn't have the best airflow especially for two GPUs.
I assume you will be salvaging the HDD from your old computer, as an SSD of that size wont get you very far.
If you don't mind a 6 core you could get the FX 6300 and put more money into the GPU (I recommend a single, better GPU over two GPUs)
I also assume you will salvage the CD drive from your computer as IMO they come in handy. (If yours is too old to have a Sata connection you can usually find one for $20)
Here have a look at an i5 4690k and z97 SLI mobo 1866Mhz CL9 and 2x4GB 1.5v ram & 128GB SSD with a tri-X saphaire R9 280x CM case 600w PSU & OS ... for $916
I run dual 270Xs in my setup and with the newest driver I see pretty decent scaling in most games (with the most notable exception being BF4). I wouldn't go as far as to say they're on par with a 780 (they are simply not) but the performance is spectacular for the price.