"Correct amount of bang for my buck?" - that's hilarious!
Anyway, if you need an HDD, get a Seagate SV35.5 instead of the Barracuda series; the SV35.5 series is meant for long-term, high usage situations, and has a much lower failure rate, compared to the Barracuda series, which has a 30%, give or take, failure rate. You can get 2TB for about $115 with a SV35.5, or 2TB for $90 with a Barracuda - are the saved $25 worth the risk?
As for the rest of the parts, you did pretty well. 7970s are fantastic cards, and the latest prototype drivers are making Crossfire better than ever. Your PSU is about 200W too large, but if you plan on getting another 7970 later on, you did alright. The case is so-so, and the fans aren't that good looking to me, but they are all great for the money. Later on, if you want a better case, look into the Fractal Design R4 or XL R2, as well as the Corsair 650D. Both reasonably priced, and high quality. Other than that, it is a great build. Should max all games out there on a single 1920x1080.
I dropped the barracuda option when I read about the failure rate myself. How to explain my filter for choosing hard drives:
I only looked at drives with 64MB cache. This might be stupid, but my logic is - more HDD cache = faster access times = better FPS. I didn't see similar drives in my price range, sadly.
As for the case - I really wanted to get a Fractal Design R4, but I didn't find it in the e-shops I looked. I might get it later, but for now my ideas were clear. Nothing too stupid & futuristic as far as design goes, and a window would be nice (never had a window case before, always dreamed of owning one for some reason). As for the PSU, I'd rather go over than under. Plus, the price difference wasn't that big.