Opinions on Bluehost?

I'm looking for a web/email hosting service where I can update and add pages/files via ssh and provides an email service as well. Right now I'm pretty set on Bluehost, which will host a website on any domain I own at 50 GB and gives me 5 100MB emails at 3 bucks a month.

Does anybody else know of any better/more private/more secure options? If you do, let me know. Thanks

Static? Use github

then use something like mailbox.org ($12/year) or similar for email.

I know its not what you asked. But its better then an options that does both not as well.

How would I set up the domain hosting with github?

You can set it up as a CNAME


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And I won't need to pay for hosting with GitHub Pages? I just set the domain up with a DNS provider and GitHub does all the hosting?

(Sorry for my lack of knowledge)

The site code may be visible in the repo (not sure about pages), but it would be anyway and its a static site. So no, no charge i dont think.

(fyi, i use mailbox.org for mail)


Okay, thanks so much for the help