Wondering if you have any opinions about Autodesk, in particular their recent announcement that they are discontinuing Softimage. There is a large community of Softimage|XSI users who are in an uproar about this and I can see why.
If you know the history of Softimage and how it has existed since the Autodesk acquisition, you can see how Autodesk is being labelled as evil.
I don't know the politics behind it but there's other competitive softwares out there, even within Autodesk there's Maya and 3ds Max, and if they're skilled they'll learn and adapt.
The situation surrounding this goes beyond 'just use different software'.
Here's an analogy: you build a trucking business where a fleet of your trucks are shipping various product throughout North America. The trucks you have bought to run your fleet are fast, dependable an fuel efficient. You've trained you drivers to use these particular trucks and things are going well. The company supplying these trucks in responsive and innovative.
A large company buys the smaller company that was supplying you with your trucks and they say "don't worry, we'll continue to sell and improve these trucks to serve your needs", business continues. Over a couple of years the new truck manufacturer slows development to a halt while saying "there is still a bright future for this model of truck, and look at all these other models of trucks that we make", so you go and look at those models and they are horrible, they aren't fast, dependable or efficient and it will take you a long time to train your drivers. You stick with what works best and business continues.
Then the manufacturer says, "well, we're not going to make these trucks anymore, sorry, try one of our others". You now have a fleet of trucks that can no longer be maintained and if you want to grow your business by adding new trucks you have to deal with an inferior product that will take a lot of time and money to dovetail in to your business.
Altogether, a crappy situation.
Autodesk basically buys up innovation to own it instead of anyone else, then they sit on it while it makes them some money and they let the innovation die.
Here is an interesting article that sums things up quite nicely.
I think tek should be interested in this because Autodesk is basically screwing people over.