Opinion on this build? Need to know

So i was wondering everyones opinion on this build and if it would be good to run like BF3 and others on ultra. Let me know, thanks.


$700 price limit



Any reason you picked that case?

Because of price.

id say get a cheaper graphics card and a better case and motherboard...but yeah it would run bf3 on ultra...you'd be better off with a 7870 and putting the extra 200 into getting a i5 rig

Ah ok, well I am personal not a huge Diabloteck fan after some bad experinces. if you could spend about 4-5 more dollars this case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119243&name=Computer-Cases would be a better buy in my opinion 

You're going to need a HDD/SSD.

motherboard /ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157293&name=Intel-Motherboards

cpu  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504

gpu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102983


Just get this stuff and be happy it'll be awesome you'll have the badass rig that'll allow you to max bf3 and every other game for quite some time to come.. the rest of the stuff is academic just get a psu that is 80+ certified and a case that has usb 3.0 and fits your card...I know you already have a hdd but a ssd is a huge upgrade if you have the cash for it

So can i expect 50+ FPS on max settings with this build?

Also, how big of difference would i get out of a micro atx? I mean i dont really want one but is there much difference besides ports and size?

Which card would be better?





I say the HIS. Appears to have a better cooler.



You'll just get a difference in features and such. It won't really make much of a difference in gaming performance. 


as far which one to buy Logan reviewed the HIS you can find the video on here it"s hard to say which cooler is better by looking at them but I'd say get which ever one you like more and is cheaper i liked the sapphire better because it has 2 fans