OpenVPN routing issue?


I have a remoteaccess openVPN server set up on my pfsense router. I also have a site to site VPN (peer to peer, not remote access), and that's to my friends network (also a pfsense router). I want to be able to run a remote access VPN from my router which allows clients to connect to both my network AND my friends network.

The network subnets are as follows: my main LAN my isolated LAN for public servers remote access VPN tunnel network site to site VPN tunnel network friends LAN

What would I need to put in the config file for the OpenVPN clients for this? I know its a matter of routing, but I don't know how to set up OpenVPN to route through my networks to his.

Thanks everyone!

I was going to say to add your friends network (, ignore the tunnel networks) to the local networks section of your remote access vpn config, but looking at mine I haven't set it and I can access things on the site to site from the remote access.

Have you tried accessing his network from your vpn? Also make sure you have a firewall rule set to allow the traffic (from your remote access tunnel network to his lan).

The only thing I have set is I have the remote access tunnel network in the local networks section from the the site to site vpn. So maybe try that: put the remote access tunnel network in your site to site local networks config, and your friends lan I  your remote access local networks section.