OpenSuse Tumleweed with proprietary Nvidia drivers woes

I currently have Opensuse Factory/Tumbleweed installed on my desktop and as per Opensuse's recommendation I'm installing the Nvidia drivers using the downloaded driver from Nvidia.

Following this guide I have blacklisted nouveau and added "modset.nouveau=0" to the kernel parameters:

Upon rebooting KDM is still being brought up somehow, I expected the X server just to crash because obviously there wouldn't be a working driver.

I read about runtime levels and wanted to set the default runtime level to 3 so X wouldn't start though I could not find a recent guide for 13.2/Tumbleweed. (it uses Systemd now so /etc/inittab isn't read).

I also tried disabling display-manager.service but that had no effect.

I even uninstalled Nouveau and that didn't do anything.


I'm really stuck now since wont install since Nouveau is being used.

Er, Greg Kroah-Hartmans recommendation is something like: "don't use proprietary drivers on Tumbleweed, it isn't worth it". He's a top kernel maintainer, and the maintainer of OpenSuSE Factory... he knows what he's talking about.


If it's not on Packman, and you can't patch the kernel modules yourself and compile them, you can forget it. Sorry to have to put it to you so harshly, but it's the hard truth.

If you insist on running proprietary nVidia drivers, get OpenSuSE 13.2, it works perfectly fine and is weel maintained, and it's on kernel 3.16.6-2, you're not missing out on much in comparison to Factory.

Factory is for people that participate in development and testing and for tinkerers, it truly is.

If you want Factory for KDE5, there is nothing stopping you from pulling only that package into a 13.2 install, it works perfectly fine (but it's still far from finished).

Actually, the only caveat is the "user" needs to know what they're doing.

Should've went AMD, especially on a 100% (if you so choose) open distro. They seem to be more cooperative when releasing drivers for the latest stuff.

Copy/pasted from :

Anwender proprietärer Grafik-Treiber Module müssen je nach verwendetem Treiber Modul darauf achten, dass mit Freigabe einer neuen Kernel-Version auch das entsprechende Grafik-Treiber Modul neu gebaut wird. Wie für die jeweilige Hardware die Module erstellt werden können, lässt sich in entsprechenden Artikeln für NVIDIA oder AMD/ATI nachlesen.

Wer nicht weiß wie man zusätzliche Module kompiliert und es nicht lernen will, verwende Pakete aus Tumbleweed Zweig dann besser nicht!

This is true, but seriously these days, Catalyst sucks on Linux, but for intensive apps such as games, it destroys open source, 

Nvidia does very well in closed source, but their open source drivers suck, while been a bit more stable.

Then you need to think of the hardware its self, Nvidia's lithography is smaller (less die size) so the power usage is less and produces less heat, while remaining fast, memory clocks are also stupidly fast on Nvidia compared to AMD.

Also with the arrival of the 970, the r9 290x at 1080p has no real ground now, unless you have a specific usage scenario, on Windows or Linux, I have herd on multiple forums that the Nvidia drivers work better on linux than AMD for close source.

I believe even Thirdmortal would agree, and he uses AMD!

Yup, on the new Factory, the kernel modules for AMD are now open source, which means no more problems with compiling binary blobs in new kernels, the user can just opt to use the KMS Radeonsi driver, or the proprietary fglrx (Catalyst) driver, but the difference is all in userspace. Much improved solution, and everybody's happy, no more binary blobs in the kernel, no more graphics driver problems on bleeding edge, no more system security risk attached to the use of proprietary drivers, lower costs for AMD, more benefit for the users.

It's not that the Nvidia drivers are giving me trouble, I need Nouveau to stop being loaded even when the module is blacklisted. I think X is loading the module even though it's blacklisted.

What Zolton said :)

easy solution: add 'nomodeset' to the boot parameters.

The reason is that nouveau is a KMS driver and the proprietary nvidia driver isn't. The system won't let you use the nvidia driver when it isn't instructed to not set mode when the kernel is loaded.

by the way, in the Op you stated that the nvidia installer wouldn't run because nouveau is loaded, and that is not possible. The reason it isn't running, is because the kernel modules can't be compiled and there are no kernel module packages for the kernel you're using.

The easy way out is to add the Packman repo, and install the nvidia driver from there. You'll have to take the Factory repo from Packman, and that isn't in the list of community repos, so you'll have to add it from URL. The repo is only available on the German server, so you'll have to add that URL (at

Just let Tumbleweed tumble away and install Factory with the Packman repo.

Factory is not designed for people who want rolling release suse, its designed for their contributors to test stuff

Precisely, but not a single package is broken and I've been using for about three months now.

Lol yeah, pretty much as stable as Debian Stable, I'm also using it as main, haven't had a real problem yet. Better than Rawhide with a distance.