Opensuse Tubleweed Live ISOs

For those of you who don't know, opensuse has been one of the few distros that did not have a live ISO.

Supposedly packages and other things would break if you installed the OS with a live installer.

Just recently some work was done and now the issues seem to be solved for tumbleweed.

You will need an internet connection though since this is more like a live net install than an actual distro CD, But hey, this is a huge step in the right direction.

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This is great. I always like to watch a few youtube videos or something when installing a distro while I wait, which will be nice for Tumbleweed as it takes a fair bit of time to install.

The net install takes a while, but the base install is pretty quick. Are you installing a lot of extra packages?

Sweet, been waiting for this.

Typically, no, I typically pick KDE, though I doubt it's that much bigger. I mean, it's only like 20-30 minutes for me, but the average distro install is 15 minutes or less in my experience.

WTF. 20-30 minutes on what? A tape deck?

With gnome it takes me less than 5 on a bargain bin SSD.

I think the SSD isn't my problem, it's the USB drive. It's USB 2.0, so it's probably a tad slow.

There is also Gecko Linux which is basicly Open Suse.
But this feutures a live envoirement.
And you could download a version with DE of choice.

And has multimedia codecs installed by default, which can be a godsend.

Yeah, I just tested that out the other day and I ran into more than a few bugs and oddities.

When I tried to install the nvidia drivers, I went into the terminal and tried to use telinit 3 and it just gave me a opensuse studio splash screen and then froze.

Soooooooooo that was a thing.

And on top of that the package choice was weird. For instance gnome shell did come with gnome software. You might not think it is that big of a deal until you go and install it.

Depending on how you install it, gnome software does not work because it throws a hissy fit over pol kit.

I really like the concept, and some of their philosophies, but they have a lot of work and polishing to do before I recommend them to someone new to linux.