In preparation of the new TS forum format that is coming soon, I thought it was a good idea to already start with a few wiki style threads, to gather information from the forum community to aggregate later.
This is the second one, the first one related specifically to gaming in linux, more precisely in OpenSuSE, because that's what I would suggest as most easy to use full featured bleeding edge distro with the most advantages for general use and gaming.
I'm going to start off with a little trick that is very fundamental for fp-fps and CS players: how to set the polling rate of any mouse to 500 Hz. First of all, why 500 Hz and not 1000 Hz? Because 1000 Hz doesn't really provide any benefit over 500 Hz, but starts to noticeably influence the system resources. 500 Hz is just the sweet spot. It means that it will always register at least two mouse positions per rendered frame in the GPU, and at least 4 mouse positions per rendered frame on the fastest monitors. That's more than enough.
In OpenSuSE, setting the mouse polling rate is super simple, and doesn't require any CLI work or .conf file editing.
You go into Yast (Super key, start typing "yast", then click on the Yast icon). Yast will then ask for the superuser password (either the user password if that is a superuser, or the root password if you've configured a separate root account, which is a better option, although OpenSuSE by default proposes a standard user with superuser rights), then click on the icon "bootloader". Yast will then withdraw all the info it needs, and present you with a screen called "boot loader settings". Click on the second tab called "Kernel Parameters", and go to the second text box called "Optional Kernel Command Line Parameter". In that text box, enter "usbhid.mousepoll=2" and hit OK. After a reboot, your mouse polling rate will be set to 500 Hz.