Openrazer not updating or a normie misinterpretation?

Hi everyone, quick question.

There were some news that Openrazer v. 2.9.0 had been released. While checking if this was a stable or the daily release, I noticed that it was the stable version. Soooo, I decided to update. To my surprise I am still 2.5.0 stable version :sob:. Then again, I applied the formidable technique of uninstalling and installing again. No success! :sob:

  1. Is it possible that I might have misinterpreted the info at the GitHub site? (Probability: Very High) Or
  2. My OS is crippled and need to install everything all over again? (Perhaps an apocalyptic reaction of mine)

I appreciate the help. And remember take care of yourselves! :smiley:

By “I decided to update”, can you expand? Did you just do apt update && apt upgrade?

If so, you’re likely confused about how releases move from github to repositories. To further answer the question, I’d need to know what distro you’re using.

Hi, thanks for the reply. :smiley:

Yeah, I did the sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. Just to be sure, I also read that sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade. I followed the guide at OpenRazers webpage. I added the repository and installed it.

Most likely, I am not that tech savy.

PopOs 20.10

Disclaimer: I don’t use PopOS, but the concepts here are pretty general, so I can walk you through most of it.

First, a breakdown: A ‘release’ on github only means that a software package has been deemed stable enough for that project’s test requirements. Once it’s released, it’s up to your linux distribution maintainers to pull that new version into the repository for your linux distro. In your case, you probably added ppa:openrazer/stable via sudo add-apt-repository, right?

One way to check which version is in the repository is to run apt update && apt search <package> with the name of your desired software package. This will do two things: First, apt update will sync your local repo list with the server’s repo list. If that succeeds (&& means continue if that first thing worked), then we search the repo for your package. This should print something like:

openrazer-daemon/<distribution> <version>

You’re interested in the last string, the version bit. For my OS, my search of openrazer ends in 2.8.0, so I know that my repo isn’t current with github, and there’s an additional version.

Can you run: sudo apt update && sudo apt search openrazer and put the output here?

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:scream: Wizard! Thanks :smiley: It showed the below info, it is in other language but I believe it is self explanatory.

So it will seems my stable version is still in 2.5.0. :sob:

You know what, I did not copy it right.

Packages for your distro are at version 2.5.0, so you have 2 choices:

  1. Wait until package will be upgraded
  2. Get it from github and compile yourself (may be daunting for begginer)

I suppose there’s 3. option for PopOs, find 3rd party packages from launchpad and add that repository. But it sometimes breaks if 3rd party stops updates.


:sob: I think I will wait. I don’t want to break my installation. Thanks for the support @k3g and @misiektw! :smiley:

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You’re welcome. But just to clarify i didn’t said it will, i said it may.

Also even if this happens its not that difficult to recover from that. But if youre still new to Linux, then yes I recommend that you wait :slight_smile:
If more beginners just used they distro as it comes, there would be way less disappointments after Linux migration :slight_smile:

Also I will mention that Debian based distros (Pop, Ubuntu, …) usually have older versions of programs. So they are better tested.
But when you get more comfortable with Linux in general, you may consider switching to something like Manjaro. It’s rolling release and has pretty new versions of programs. However that freshness (very rarely) comes at cost of stability.

Got it!. Thanks! :smiley:

You know, I have been on Linux since more than a year. But I don’t like experimenting much in my OS/PC. I just usually want it to work. So far the experience has been challenging, but now I am used to it :100: .

I have found an alternative to every program I used in windows and works great (well except for some games: cough SAO Fatal Bullet). Not switching back to windows. :partying_face:

I can bet you, that your game works ok under Wine or Proton. However probably anticheat software doesn’t, and since this is online game, well…

But that’s what passtrough virtualization is for :slight_smile: I played Black Desert Online, Eve Online, … Something Else TM online, everything on my Linux, just using “Windows 10 Application” to run those games :wink:

But now if game doesn’t have Linux version, or doesn’t run in Wine/Proton, I don’t even bother with it.