Does anyone have any good open world games? I've played a ton, and I like bethesda's open world action-rpg kind. If anyone knows of any games like that, it would be much appreciated.
Try Sleeping Dogs it is on Steam sale for about 5$ I think or else whise try Far Cry 3 and if you like good mods try GTA IV it has a huge amount of mods...
Sleeping Dogs is back at $12.49 on Steam right now. Amazon is going to have it back at $4.99 on Cyber Monday, though.
In addition to Arnold's recommendations, I'd say take a look at Just Cause 2 or the Saints Row games.
Just Cause 2 is $2.99 on a Steam Flash Sale for the next 2hr45min or so.
Just Cause 2 is good open world mayhem fun. Also, any Elder Scrolls game. They are generally good fun, and there are tons of mods for them. Thus, you extend game play and get more of your money's worth out of them, assuming you are on PC that is.
I was looking for any indie or no so mainstream games. I've played all of your recommendations :/
Check out some of the older games like the original Fallout or Fallout 2? Maybe try S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Or should I say it, go onto a console like the PS2 or emulate it, and play some Jak II, or Jak III?
You probably should have led with that... ; )
Ummm, indie open world RPG... Nether is an indie survival open world RPG set in the ruins of Chicago, but it's an MMO rather than a single player RPG. It's also still in Beta, so may be buggy. Uh, Don't Starve is technically an open world RPG, but it uses 2d cartoon style graphics. You'll see when you look it up. Waking Mars I believe (haven't played it yet) is a kind of open world 2d platformer, but it's not really a RPG, more just action adventure.
What else... There's No Return. It's really more of an open world survival sim though. Never played it, but I've heard a bit about Arshavir. It's an indie open world RPG in the style of Elder Scrolls (fatasy, magic, etc). I think it's mostly just sandbox though. No quests or anything (could be wrong though). That's all I got off the top of my head.
Yeah, indie games in the vein of Fallout 3 or Skyrim is kind of a tall order. It takes a ton of effort to develop games that in depth and expansive.
Borderlands is pretty fun, a lot of shoot and loot type of gameplay with RPG elements built in. However, enemies in the game don't level with you, meaning that earlier parts of the game will easily become trivial as you play.
Assassins Creed has some good fun in it as well
I grew up with Jak and ratchet and clank. Sadly, I feel the ratchet franchise has gone in a bad direction