Open Headphones

I have been watching videos and doing some research and I have come to the conclusion, even after all these years of having Logitech G930s it’s time for a change. I have been getting into higher tier computer peripherals and after watching tek syndicate’s videos about gaming headsets sucking I decided its time to change. My biggest problem though is not knowing what would be my best option for open ear. I have always had a hard time picking headphones or earbuds. I didn’t even know Sennheiser existed till I watched a video on youtube of how great the IE 80s were. Then after about 2 months ago I finally decided to get them. I want open ear because the sound stage, but i have no idea about audio. I also don’t know if certain headphones need amps but from videos i have been watching it sounds like some do and if anyone has suggestions for me I would appreciate if you could include that I would probably need to get one of those as well. Probably from this post you can tell i don’t know much about headphones, but i really could uses some help and suggestions on what i should consider getting.

PS. I forgot to mention i have a budget of MAX 400$ including an amp if needed

Hi, its easy to check if headphones need amp, check impedance value of headphones and if its higher then value of sound card then you need amp. Sometimes its good idea to get separate headphone for different purpose. Some are better for gaming and crap for music or movies, it all depends what is your main focus.I use hd 700 for music and movies , but cant play games with them and swap to my old hd558. It`s all down to personal preference.

I'd recommend Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 which most decent motherboards should drive without an added amp.

I have been looking and I may have narrowed down some choices that are from what i have read really good. Right now I have my top 3 probably at.

  1. Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro Headphones (250 Ohm)
  2. HiFiMan - HE-400 Headphones (biggest problem with them is I can only find them in a bluish color which i hate)
  3. BeyerDynamic DT-880 Pro Headphones (250 Ohm)

Dwn I am not to sure what my motherboard will drive. I have the,

ASRock H97M Pro4 LGA 1150 Intel H97 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard

I was attempting to search to find out when you posted that amazing spreadsheet
I also listen to a lot of Rock, Metal, dubstep, and a few other genres that focus a lot on bass.

I will go for an ATH-AD900x (the headphones that I'm currently using and I really like them). You have pretty good deal on this one, between the 100 to 200 bucks and if you're ready to go to your max you can get a ATH-AD1000x ( or even the ATH-R70x ^^ ). No even need to buy an amp for them as they are low impedance (38 and 40ohms (except the R70x which is like 470 ohms so you will probably go throught your budget by adding an amp).

One of my biggest concerns with Open air is loss of volume? I don't know because i have been using the Logitech g930s for like 3 years i think.

Looks like that board supports up to 600ohms so you're fine.

Yes, I will vouch for these headphones any day of the week. I love mine, and they are extremely comfortable. I'm typing this just after a 5 hour Witcher 3 session, and they still feel super comfortable.

I have decided to give the DT 990s a try! Thank you everyone for your suggestions I really appreciate it.

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Open Headphones can be just as loud as closed and larger drivers with a higher power amp should drive them louder than what you've had before.

That being said a lot of sound will still escape. It will Still be plenty loud for you but you'll blast everyone else in the room. Honestly to them it can sound like you're using speakers.

I have one final question I have bought Audio-Technica AT2020 but the stock stand it came with is awful do you have any suggestions for a reasonably priced boom arm that has a shock mount? I was considering the Mod mic but i have always wanted a stand alone mic with a boom arm