I have been watching videos and doing some research and I have come to the conclusion, even after all these years of having Logitech G930s it’s time for a change. I have been getting into higher tier computer peripherals and after watching tek syndicate’s videos about gaming headsets sucking I decided its time to change. My biggest problem though is not knowing what would be my best option for open ear. I have always had a hard time picking headphones or earbuds. I didn’t even know Sennheiser existed till I watched a video on youtube of how great the IE 80s were. Then after about 2 months ago I finally decided to get them. I want open ear because the sound stage, but i have no idea about audio. I also don’t know if certain headphones need amps but from videos i have been watching it sounds like some do and if anyone has suggestions for me I would appreciate if you could include that I would probably need to get one of those as well. Probably from this post you can tell i don’t know much about headphones, but i really could uses some help and suggestions on what i should consider getting.
PS. I forgot to mention i have a budget of MAX 400$ including an amp if needed