Oneplus one

hi everyone,

i'm currently on a lg optimus l7-_- and i was looking for a new phone and then boom, oneplus one. looks good, really big but i can life with that, 64gb for €300. but the problem was how to get one? you need to get a invite but i don't know how to get one. the only thing i have read was on forums and friends that need to give you a invite. does someone know and if you can give me an invite, plss give me one:)

i'm dutch if that matters.

you could  always just keep a look out on ebay

if someone has an invite to buy the phone give me one pls. when you buy you get an invite and i don't know someone who bought the phone cuz they don't have an invite and i can't smash my phone cuz i don't have the phone in the list. buying a phone on ebay is not something i'm gonna try cuz it's gonna cost probably 1000+ euro and i don't know if there is ebay in the netherlands lol.

I was also planning to register myself in the "Smash your phone" form but apparently my Nokia Lumia 620 isn't among the eligible phones in the list so I'll have to wait and see if I can get my hands on an invite.


In their FAQ page, at the very bottom under the "How do I get an invite?" question, it says and I quote:

"(...)Invites are also available through participation in our events on our social media channels or the OnePlus Forums. In addition, our partners and friends will have invites to give out(...)".

So there's still a change we can receive an invite.


Let's hope they open the OnePlus-One phone sales to more people.

yah thanx, but still, they aren't gonna give many invites away and i live in the netherlands and i don't know someone who also want one so i'm stuck :(.

Is that i cell phone brand ? cause i never been hear this before. In Finland where i am working in a battery shop at most of the cell phone company that i know was nokia ,samsung ,lumia ,iPhone etc. but i never hear this before.

it's a new brand. but it shares a lot with oppo. i believe they have some relation.

I still find it really really weird that they would do this exclusive invite system for a budget product. Let's be honest, it's amazingly cheap for the hardware you get when compared to the big brands out there. So, why wouldn't they just mass produce it and sell tons of them? I have the feeling that it is all a big marketing stunt and that they are ultimately selling those phones with little to no profit. At least that would explain the extreme (and artificial) scarcity of this phone.

they say the can make them so cheap cuz they now how much they need to make. normally you have products left over which you didn't sell. to save money they did this. but i agree, it's looks morel like promotion. + i don't know someone with this phone in my country and i need to know someone with that phone to buy one. if nobody has the phone in my region it's hard to get one and it might never get one. it's between the nexus 5 and the one plus one for me. i like everything about the oneplus one except the size but i can live with that because it looks beautifull. the nexus 5 has a small battery, that's the only reason i don't buy it. the nexus 5 is also 80 euro more than the one plus one.

if you have an invite let me know! :)

The Oneplus One doesn't come with the standard version of CM, it comes with a "customized" (read: locked down) version of CM. Will it be flashable to an open system? Will all the compatibility files be available or will it use open source hardware? Apparently not from what I've heard.

Not sure it will live up to the hype, haven't seen one yet, so I'll wait before finding the Oneplus One a great idea to be honest.

The main reason to go for one phone over another is the flashability to be honest. Who cares what it comes with, it's about what you can flash onto it (and especially, what you can omit flashing onto it, namely GApps and other bloatware that ruin the experience).

I checked. :pp

Plus someone could sell me a OnePlus One for full price or more and only get like a picture of one because it was really a scam.

Regardless of it's initial open-ness it will soon be rooted, custom recovery and flashable after release to general public. 

Personally I don't like Cyanogenmod so it would be nice to flash something more usable but it will not take long. The main draw for this phone is the spec against the price. It is crazy cheap for what you are getting. I would really like one if I did not already have something almost exactly equivalent to it.