OnePlus One (possibly other devices) and Windows driver compatibility

Over the past bunch of months of owning my OnePlus One, I’ve been playing around with it. But recently, I was struck with an issue, my phone would not interface with my computer in any way. So I was stuck moving files and stuff around using an FTP server on my phone.

At around the same time I noticed the problem, I had actually wiped all of my computers, and upgraded from Windows 7 Pro, to Windows 8.1 Pro N, not knowing it was that was the issue, I forged ahead onto other dumb things. Almost about to give up and give hell to OnePlus for whatever was happening, I gave Reddit a shot (was looking on XDA and OnePlus Forums for an answer).

Here is what I found:

It seems that any version of Windows that comes with N or KN will have issues due to it missing almost all media capabilities and software, which the OnePlus One needs.

Yeah I had that problem for a few months as well until I downloaded the media pack.

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You need stones media type pack that provides mtp