One GPU, Multiple uses - Concept Thread

FYI: If any moderator wants to move the thread into a better fitting category, please fell free too - I don’t know all the categories.

So, first of all: Happy New Year!.

Now, during the holidays I’ve spend some time thinking about shared GPU use and setting up multiple VMs for Gaming, Productivity and stuff.
Since I know a lot of you share the same interests, I’d like to know if you had similar ideas or projects and if you have, share them - I’d like to have the input.

I know a lot about Servers, OS’s, how the “Splitting GPUs up” isn’t actually official but it can work if done right (See Craft Computing, L1T, etc.), how to set something up etc - i.e I’m not new to this but you never stop learning eh?

To Sum it up: The Basic idea is to use the home server and its hardware to act a platform for compute and storage. Given that I don’t want to use 3 GPUs, the Idea is to use 1 for 3 tasks (or more) and allocate the resources dynamically. Access is done through either Parsec or RDP for Work. That’s the idea, at least for now.

The only thing I’d like to figure out now is: Is it possible to split up a GPU to that degree that it is usable performance wise? Of course a sufficient GPU should be use, so going with a RTX professional card is in order?
I know NVIDIA has solutions for it, question is: Is it accessible for the normal person of the world or do we have to rely on or ways of doing it?

I’m going to use this a thread to bounce ideas, so it might get a little random and confusing at times - Sorry for that in advance: :smiley:


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