Since I still haven't built a PC yet (because I am broke), I would like to know what set up would be better for streaming? As we all should know Intel came out with their 8 core 16 thread extreme CPU, I was thinking would it be viable to have a single system to have a great quality stream because I don't have a lot of room for 2 PCs. I plan on playing and streaming in 1440p. I also plan to record gameplay via shadow play and do some video editing. Give me some build recommendations from the build to mini fridges for extended game time.
I should start by saying that I recently started streaming. I would not suggest streaming at 1440p, at all. If you'd like to play at that go ahead, but in obs or xsplit I would down sample your stream to 1080 or 720. I would honestly suggest 720 as unless you are partnered a lot of people would not be able to watch your stream as it would be too high quality. I would also suggest 2 pc's. Even with an extreme cpu your machine would still have to be doing the encoding for your stream and for your game at the same time. If you can wait and get a rig dedicated to streaming I would go with that. It will give you a much better quality stream and be less taxing on each machine. I would like to reiterate that you have to keep in mind what your VIEWERS can see quality wise, not what you want quality wise. We would all like super high quality streams, but unless you have transcoding its not worth it since no one would be able to watch.
Streaming at 1440p is not a good idea, because most viewers will not be willing to sacrifice that much bandwidth to viewing the stream. You'll also have to pay extra for a very high speed upload rate connection. Most game streamers that get good quality reviews, stream in 720p @ 60 Hz, and that requires about 1 GB of data per hour to be uploaded (that's about 300 KB/s, or 2.4 Mb/s constant just in video data). 1440 p is 4 times as much, so at 60 Hz, that would be a constant video only data stream of about 10 Mb/s.
A dedicated streaming PC is only necessary if you're going to stream online multiplayer competitive games that require a high framerate, like twitch shooters or CS. Online multiplayer low latency games like that require a lot of CPU power, often much more than they require GPU power. If you're going to stream Dota, 30 Hz will probably be enough, and you probably won't need a dedicated streaming PC.
With that said, wouldn't 8 cores be able to stream and run twitch fps games because it has the cores and threads to handle it?
8 core 16 threads* (not 12 threads). Two threads per core.
A secondary PC would probably be good, if the budget allows.
Could I use something like a NUC and a Avermedia live gamer portable for the second computer?