Let me be clear first by saying I know the basics of what a cryptocurrency is and how it is made. However I have never participated in mining before. I have a few questions on it and would like to know everyone thoughts. I'm not looking to get rich or make money on mining, just would like to try it out. Most of what I know comes from Barnacules video on the subject, and while he gives a good intro into mining and answers a few questions I have posted here, I would like to get the feel of the overall community here. I have seen some introductions on mining here but they are very old and would like to know the current state.
the questions are:
1. What do you think the best intro miner would be? (I'm asking for nongpu/pc build, looking for something under 150 dollars to start off with)
2. What do you think is the best mining software? (this is the most confusing thing to me and there is a lot of misinformation out there I feel, would like to know the thoughts of people who are mining now)
3. is there software that works with android? (not to mine on but to use as a cheap hub instead of hooking into a pc)
4. Do you think its is wise to mine a little on your main pc? (I would say no, but would like to hear your thoughts on this)
5. what do you for a wallet, do you use coinbase or? (also lacking all knowledge on this)
6. What is your setup, and reasons you went the way you did? (just me being nosy, would like to see pics if you want to share)
7. Pool mining or solo?