- Roller Coaster Tycoon 1,2, and 3
- Lego Rock Raiders
- Flight of The Amazon Queen
- Bug Bunny & Taz: Time Busters (if you get stuck on something, I have an entire video series of that on youtube)
System Shock 2.
We should be friends
Original Thief, Thief II
Gta San Andreas (With Multiplayer Patch)
Championship Manager/Football Manager 1999-present
Flight Simulator 2004
Duke Nukem
I still have a soft spot for the older Command & Conquers. They were simple and easy co.pared to many other RTS games but they were fun. Also huge 1+ on the GTA2. I love that game, it one of my all time favourite GTAs.
Little Big Adventure 2? Oh man. That's twinsens oddysey right? That game is like my childhood in a nutshell. Something about it is just enchanting. It takes me away to times long gone.
Unreal Tournament 2004 was better than the 2003 version. Like not just a little better but ALOT BETTER.
Janes Combat Flight sims.. all of them
Unreal Tournament 2004
Quake 3
Rise of Nations
There are really nice games mentioned here! But i miss a reference to "Master of Orion 2"!!
Why is everybody skipping GTA (1)? get it with the London expansion (the only time GTA went down in a real city). Get GTA and GTA 2 here http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/ legal and for free.
Operation Flashpoint: Cold war Crisis + Addons (its now called "ARMA: Cold War Assault" ): Its kind of ARMA0. "Realistic" military FPS. Not the easiest game.Get it for cheap on ebay but beware gamespy goes offline so the multiplayerbrowser is possibly useless by now but you can connect via ip.
Rune: Your inner Viking gone like it. (cut off enemies arm. kill enemy with his own arm.)
Rainbow Six: The older ones are more about tactic and planing. Guns blazing gets you no where.
Syndicate: The one made by Bullfrog. Dont get confused with the FPS reboot.
Commandos: Another one in my list that is not the easiest game.
And the last one from me
Forsaken: nice Soundtrack (in my opinion) and dark disturbing "six degrees of freedom" FPS.
All of these should be playable on a 1ghz Win98 machine with a 3d graphics card. (i might going to try this today if find all parts xD. Where is my CRT?)
Spore. Epic game. Not super complex or difficult but super fun. You create your own species and evolve it from scratch. From single cells through to a sentainant space travelling colonist race. To me, It proves once and for all that better graphics do not mean a better game, and games dont have to be super destructive to be fun.
Clive Barkers Undying
The best horror game you will ever play...
DUNE II. I spent a whole summer playing DUNE II on my old Gateway .
SupCom 2 was a joke. If you're jumping in to SupCom, definitely start with Supreme Commander, not with 2.
Total Annihilation is fantastic, though.
Street rod 1 and 2 are two good, but old racing games.(1991-1992)
If your pc could run it, i would highly suggest Fallout 3 too:)
Starsiege: Tribes.... yes people are still playing it.
msg me for download link
The lack of warzone2100 disturbs me, its an old rts thats one of the best micros and macros depending on how you play.
The Witcher (first game) actually can run on a pretty poor PC. I have it on an older laptop. You have to change one file in order for it to run with a crummy GPU, but just Google for help. It's super easy.
I remember throwing time into Syberia in middle school. Enjoyed that game far more than I thought I would, despite some bugs.
- Grim fangdang
- Sims
- Sim city
- Crazy taxi
- Age of empires
- Zoo tycon
- State of war
- Half life series
- Hitman
- Need for speed underground 1,2 & older most wanted
- Postal
- Rayman
- Serious sam
- Shadow warrior
- System shock
- Lego racer
- Quake
- Theif
- Duke nukem
- Counter strike
- Worms
- Myst
- Deux ex
Hasn't been mentioned yet
Wizardry 8
An old RPG that was my favorite for years I think GOG recently started carrying it. Old school party turn based fighting. Its really amazing especially the audio work that was put into it.
Here is a good old archived website about it. http://www.zimlab.com/wizardry/flamestryke/wizardry8/flamestrykes_w8.html
Would also like to second Startopia if you like building games but I think you will need an AMD video card to support the old direct x 8 for it.