I currently have a not so great PC and would like to know some great older games I might have missed in PC gaming. I recently downloaded Earth 2160 which is awesome. Any of these older games would be great!
Netstorm - Islands at war
Any old Age of Empires, Zeus master of olympus, Command and conquer series
In no particular order:
- Planescape Torment
- Baldur's Gate 2
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- System Shock 2
- Fallout (I like 2 more, but 1 is great too)
- Deus Ex
- Thief 2
- The Longest Journey
- Syberia
- Planescape Torment
Did I mention Planescape Torment? You NEED to play this.
The Longest Journey rates as the best adventure game ever created in my book. I am not an adventure fan, but this game really impressed me. Syberia comes a close second.
get some friends over and play veitcong 2 vs bots.
HF getting owned.
thank you guys so much for the help. Going to play some more Earth and then age of empires and syberia then go down the list.
I will +1 Planescape: Torment as well. Amazing game.
Curse of Monkey Island, X-wing VS Tie Fighter (with a joystick), C&C Red Alert. ++1 to Baldurs Gate 1 &2 omg! epic shiz right there!
- Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2
- Mech Warrior 3
- Diablo 2 LOD?
But all the Age of Empire games are old by now :( and no age of empires online doesn't count wtf M$ >_>
- Star Wars Episode 1 | Racer
- Star Wars, nights of the Old Republic 1 and 2
- Age of Empires/Empire Earth
- Age of Mythology
- Caesar 3
- Llamatron
- Jazz JackRabbit 2
- Lego Racer
- Midtown Madness 2
- Star Wars Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast
As you can see I played a few games in the same genre XD.
Also grab a PS1 emulator and play the fuck out of some classic crash bandicoot, The Need for Speed and such other great classics.
my brother once had an interesting run of Diablo II where he was a warrior and his friend was a necromancer. The necromancer was pretty much useless against Diablo, so he sold all his stuff and gave his wand to my brother. He then spent all his money on health potions and kept ferrying health pots while the warrior was hitting Diablo to death with a wand.
Half Life 1 and 2 are must plays.
Here are "some" that i like (no order)
- λ everything half-life
- LIttle Big Adventure 2
- Homeworld 1 & 2
- Populous 3
- Perimeter
- deux ex
- Simcity 4
- Grim Fandango
- psychonauts
- Unreal tournament 2003
- Soulreaver legacy of kain
- Quake3 Arena
- startopia
- max payne
- gta2
- mechwarior3
- mech commander2
- red faction
- starwars episode1 racer
- mirrors edge
- starwars jedi knight 2 jedi outcast
- Sins of a solar empire
- the curse of monkey island
- Warcaft 2 &3 (not wow)
- Total Anahilation or Surpreme commander2
- galactic civilisation 2
- Aquanox
- System Shock 2
- day of the tentacle
- worms 2
- braid
- The Longest Journey
- freespace2
- tribes vengeance
- beneath a steel sky
- return to castel wolfenstein
- duke nukem 3d
- the settlers 3
- command & conquer 3 tiberum wars / red alert2 / generals
- far cry
- fallout2
- halo
- independence war 2 edge of chaos
- myst
- mafia
- mdk 1 & 2
- No one lives forever 1 & 2
- Outcast
- Rune
- nexus Jupiter incident
- subculture
- starcraft
- rayman
- giants citizen kabuto
- the dig
- syberia
- cs1.6
- carmageddon 1&2
- battlezone2
- American McGee's Alice
- the dig
- operation flashpoint
- sam & max
- tomb raider
note: my personal taste, not open for debate
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
oh i forgot painkiller
Stronghold Crusader is one of my favorites
Can never go wrong with some oldschool SNES emulator + RPG action. Personal fav is Tales of Phantasia.
A "modern" title thats quite a bit different than the other picks: Minecraft/ League of Legends