When I was a kid in the Dallas area, we had a lot of really good local bands but there was one that made even Pantera nervous. You should check these guys out. They're in their 50s and still playing.
When I was a kid in the Dallas area, we had a lot of really good local bands but there was one that made even Pantera nervous. You should check these guys out. They're in their 50s and still playing.
classic Megadeth
Here's an old cam-corder recording from 1988 of one of the local favorites. I can't believe this exists. It's a shame that the filming tech sucked so bad back then. It's still kind of cool though... I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_D-TAR_m60
personally I really liked exodus and overkill although they aren't really old 1980's-ish
They were both around in the late 80s. Both pretty cool bands too.
Hahahha Jesus Christ!.... sometimes some of the "oldschool thrash" music people talk about out just makes me laugh.
Have a listen to this... they might not be as "hardcore" as that screamo stuff y'all enjoy, but they were good musicians anyways. The first vid was one of the most recent recordings before their members died off. The second vid is at the opening of the S.B.Skatepark in Santa Barbara, Ca. (I was there). The Third song is the newest stuff from the surviving members of R.K.L. with the surviving members of Lagwagon. Yeah, S.B. had some great music and one of the best underground music scenes ever.
Hardcore is cool but it isn't thrash.
One word...........FuckenSLAYER.
Like their earlier stuff a bit better. Great old school thrash though.
Motorhead's Sacrifice album is some really good thrash metal, although I preferred to their blues metal stuff.
Also, look up a band called Heathen. Great thrash metal band
I love Motorhead. They have that old, punky, speedcore thing going on. They were huge when I was young.
Love me some Heathen. Awesome Bay Area thrash at its finest.
I loved visiting my dad during the summer growing up, he'd always give me a good musical education :D
There are a band called Morgana lefay. They have that old Metallica type of thrash just the voice that is kind of weak. favorite song are Mad messiah.
Machine Head has it fair share of thrash songs like: pearls before the swine, blood for blood and imperium.
Children of bodom also got some trashy songs, I'd recommend the album Are you dead yet?
Thank you very much for exposing me to this band. They hit like Thor's hammer.
i love falling asleep to this kinda music
no diss, i love this. its actually very rhythmic and soothing
Here's another one of my favorites.
Just posted another thrash megapost last night on the thread below. Always love me some good ol fashioned thrash :D