Old PS3 fat uses?

So I was given a PS3 fat a while back which hasn't been able to connect to the internet (via ethernet or wifi). I haven't tried re-installing the PS OS, but whatever, I have a working PS3 slim which isn't getting any use as is. I want to know if there is anything taht I can do with this old PS3. It is currently just sitting. If I could turn it into an everyday computer, it would get some use from family, but I'm not sure how to go about installing a new os on it. I tried installing a random Linux distro (Ubuntu) and that didn't fly. Not sure how to get things to work properly on there. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Maybe some other possible uses?


That is not supported anymore.

if its one of those old ones install ubuntu on it :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343113

That iso is no longer there.


:/ hummm i will have a look around a iso 

you can always use it to run your old playstation 2 games i guess ._.

Striezel, only the 60gb fat PS3s can play PS2 games I believe. There are different versions of the fat PS3. I have a 40gb one that plays PS1 and PS3 games but not PS2 games. Physical copies that is. You can download the PS2 classics in the online store for the PS3 and play them on any version of the PS3.

Can't he just take out the harddrive from the ps3 and reformat it on the pc so everything gets deleted, put it back in and then try to install an OS? I mean, isn't it the OS that blocks you from installing stuff or is it the bios nowadays?

I tried installing an os on the hdd and then putting it into the PS3. It wouldn't work. It seems taht it is in the bios.

Is it kinda wrong that my 60gb PS3 fat motherboard is hanging on my wall? Anyway, I heard of a guy who made a liquid cooled PS3 laptop, but that may be a bit far-fetched for a project.

Try Yellow Dog Linux. IT's what I did when I first got my PS3, but my TV's resolution was too low to get any effective use out of it. It was fun toying around though.


I also found Ubuntu images here:


I would say take the laser out and turn it into a laserpointer.

Check the system's OS version. If it's running 3.41 or Older, then it can run the linux IF you can find the necessary software And partition the drive. You can allocate no more than 10Gb to the OtherOS. If the OS is newer than that, then I'd ask sony what sorta troubleshooting you can do to get it working. If it's going to cost money, then put it on ebay with the details that you're aware of.

If you have the correct model then you could play PS2 games on it. Try some random game to see if it works. Also, that should not prevent you from wiping/updating the system since it is a feature of the hardware not hte software.

Living room Linux machine

I also have an old fat ps3 that i don' t use... if i could install umbunto it would be awsome


best use, boat anchor, second best use, rifle target.   third give it away to goodwill.