Old barracuda backup appliance ideas

hey all! I wanted to reach out and see if you guys had any ideas on how I can reuse an old barracuda backup appliance.

  1. can I re-image a barracuda appliance to run windows server?
  2. If I can’t use it with windows server what about a linux distro (with gui)
  3. what should I use it for?
  4. I am getting it for free from work. (we are a msp. and we are replacing barracuda’s with a different solution)

if anyone needs model number its a barracuda backup 390.

(!!! Please note!!!)
I did google it first but could not find much of anything useful.


I would open it up and take a picture. But this image I found makes it look like a bog standard x86 server, so you most likely can put whatever OS you want on it

I will poke around and see what I find. If I am able to get windows or linux on it I will post a guide.
Surely I am not the only one who wants to avoid tossing these guys.
Home lab time :slight_smile:

I will be adding pictures shortly.
The answer to my question is yes. and its easy to turn a backup appliance into anything else.
the backup 390 uses a standard msi motherboard.
Specifically a msi h110 eco-s01.
when I finish everything should I post a write up some were on here?
Would anyone else have an interest in re using backup appliances as free / low cost home lab servers?

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